
cd “${0%/*}” || exit # Run from this directory
. ${WM_PROJECT_DIR:?}/bin/tools/RunFunctions # Tutorial run functions

(cd fluid && ./Allrun.pre)
(cd solid && runApplication blockMesh)

# Run serial
mpirun -app ./mpirun.schema

# Run parallel
(cd fluid && runApplication decomposePar)
(cd solid && runApplication decomposePar)

#mpirun -app ./mpirun.schema_parallel
# The problem is keeping the log files separate so use the openmpi
# mpirun option to keep the separate outputs in the logs/ directory

mpirun \r
–output-filename logs \r
-np 3 compressibleInterFoam -case fluid -world fluid -parallel : \r
-np 2 solidFoam -case solid -world solid -parallel \r
>& log.compressibleInterFoam_solidFoam

