cd “${0%/*}” || exit # Run from this directory
. ${WM_PROJECT_DIR:?}/bin/tools/RunFunctions # Tutorial run functions
local dict=system/controlDictfoamDictionary $dict -entry deltaT -set 1e-05
foamDictionary $dict -entry endTime -set 0.015
foamDictionary $dict -entry writeInterval -set 50
local dict=constant/combustionPropertiesfoamDictionary $dict -entry laminarFlameSpeedCorrelation -set RaviPetersen
foamDictionary $dict -entry fuel -set HydrogenInAir
}# Do moriyoshiHomogeneous
( cd moriyoshiHomogeneous && foamRunTutorials )if notTest “$@”
# Clone case for second phase
cloneCase moriyoshiHomogeneous moriyoshiHomogeneousPart2# Modify and execute
cd moriyoshiHomogeneousPart2 || exit# The following 2 command lines are a generic implementation of the
# following command:
# cp -r ../moriyoshiHomogeneous/0.005 .lastTimeStep=$(foamListTimes -case ../moriyoshiHomogeneous -latestTime)
cp -rf ../moriyoshiHomogeneous/”$lastTimeStep” .setControlDict
runApplication $(getApplication)
)# Clone case for hydrogen
cloneCase moriyoshiHomogeneous moriyoshiHomogeneousHydrogen# Modify and execute
cd moriyoshiHomogeneousHydrogen || exitsetCombustionProperties
mv -f constant/thermophysicalProperties \r
constant/thermophysicalProperties.propanemv -f constant/thermophysicalProperties.hydrogen \r
constant/thermophysicalPropertiesrunApplication $(getApplication)