cd ${0%/*} || exit 1 # Run from this directory# Source tutorial run functions
. $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions# create the underlying block mesh
runApplication blockMesh# create faceSet for burner inlet and faceZone for coupled wall
runApplication topoSet# create burner inlet
runApplication createPatch -overwrite# extrude Film
runApplication extrudeToRegionMesh -dict system/extrudeToRegionMeshDictFilm -overwriterm log.extrudeToRegionMesh
# extrude pyrolysis
runApplication extrudeToRegionMesh -dict system/extrudeToRegionMeshDictPyr -overwrite# change samplePatch in the boundary to coupled patch betwee region0 and
# pyrolysis
runApplication changeDictionary -region filmRegion -constant# create faceSets for inlet, outlet, sides for the Film
rm log.topoSet
runApplication topoSet -region filmRegionrm log.createPatch
# create actual patches
runApplication createPatch -region filmRegion -overwritecp 0/ph_rgh.orig 0/ph_rgh
# Run
runApplication $(getApplication)paraFoam -touchAll